✍️✍️ Job Deadlines ✍️✍️ — February 4
AP, BBC, NY Times, WashPost, Guardian, ITV, The Times, Reach, CBC, Bell Media, the Canadian Press and many, many more!
Hello folks! Happy Friday and welcome to the first deadline day of February. We have a lot to get through, so I'll get right to it…
First up, we launched our February Free Trials this week. If you're unsure about a paid subscription and want to try us out for a week, you can do so for free. Sign up with the button below. 👇
Next up is the announcement that we’ll be launching our European Jobs Board next week! We’ll have more details on Monday, but please do start spreading the word to friends and colleagues until then. 🙏

Third on the docket is a plug to friend of the newsletter Anna Mazurek's amazing story on Buenos Aires for the Washington Post. Anna’s a masterful travel writer and she excellently captured the passion, pride and all of the delights of this amazing city. And if it wasn't for Anna, I wouldn't even be in this beautiful country.
And lastly, thank you so so much for continuing to tweet and help us spread the word. Without you, there simply would be no us. So thank you. Job deadlines are below, we’ll see you again on Monday. Have great weekends everybody! 🤘

Job Corner ✍️
✍️ Want to have a job featured? Fill out this form and we’ll help you out ✍️
🚨 If you’re a paying subscriber, your jobs sheet link remains the same each week 🚨